Leader of the Australian Labor Party Anthony Albanese has assured the Australian Hindu community that if he becomes Prime Minister religious vilification of Hindus will not be tolerated.
Mr Albanese was replying to the questions raised by Hindus of Sydney in a program organised by the Hindu Council of Australia.

He was specifically asked,
Q: Is there a Labor and Greens party deal? And what is your stand on political parties who spread Hinduphobia with false claims as Mr (David) Shoebridge did, and other Greens MPs who have been doing it from time to time?

To the question Anthony Albanese replied, “We are the only party and only candidate for prime minister who is wanting to form government in my own right.”
“We will not do deals with the Greens.”
added Mr Albanese.

“We will stand on our own. And that stands in very stark contrast…. To the opposition agreement between Scott Morrison and Barnaby Joyce,” said Mr Albanese
Sydney-based Hindu activist Ravi Shankar Dhankar told The Australia Today that the Greens Senator attempted to play her hate against Jews and Hindus.
“Mehreen Faruqi is part of that elaborate Greens plan which attacks Hindus and Jews for resisting their historical persecution,”
he emphasised.

Here is the epitome of Hinduphobic behaviour by Greens MLC David Shoebridge.
MLC Shoebridge had accused VHP Australia of being an organisation banned by the CIA and insinuating that VHP was responsible for a fight between two communities in Sydney.
The Australia Today earlier reported about a motion being passed in NSW senate asking Mr Shoebridge to apologise to Hindu community.

However, Greens Party or MLC David Shoebridge has not yet apologised for his reprehensible statement.
Here is the question-answer session Mr Anthony Albanese and Ms Kristina Keneally at Hindu Counicil of Australia’s program.