For the Indian Australian diaspora, Australia Day and the Indian Republic day in the first month of the year brings double celebrations.
This year in line with COVID safety restrictions, the Indian Australians have decided to celebrate it in a unique way by displaying the stickers of #friendship on their cars, stores, small businesses, and other suitable places.

Devang Upadhaya is president of Albury Wodonga Indian Australian Association.
He told The Australia Today, “This is a small gesture to demonstrate the support of rapidly growing and strengthening of friendship between the two nations. However, this doesn’t change anything on the cricket field.”

Almost seven thousand friendship stickers will be displayed on Australia day in all major cities country-wide where the Indian Australian population has a sizeable share.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said in a statement, “I am delighted to send my best wishes to everyone celebrating India’s Republic Day.”

He also assured Indian Australians and international students struck in India amid coronavirus pandemic.
“I want to assure you that Australia longs for when we can welcome our Indian friends, family, and students back to our shores. Like you, we look forward to the day when we can move more freely and we are safely on the other side of the pandemic.

Gayatri Sabberwal is coordinator Indian International Students Fourm.
She said, “It is important to understand how crucial both countries are for each other not only in terms of social-cultural ties but also defense-economic relationships.”