In a virtual meeting with Indian ambassadors and high commissioners posted across the world, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar conveyed the message that the “one-sided” narrative in international media must be countered.

Officials present told the Indian Express that two themes were discussed.
One was about efforts being made to procure all the material that India needs to overcome the surge and second was taking control of the international media narrative.
This meeting was important keeping in mind the recent rebuttal written by the Deputy High Commissioner to Australia in response to ‘The Australian’ report.

The editorials, commentary and reports in some newspapers and on TV channels have blamed the Modi government for India’s COVID plight.
They are of the opinion that Modi ignored all warning signs, holding an extended election in West Bengal.

To prove this they have been running visuals of ambulances, patients sitting outside hospitals, and Hindu cremation ceremonies.

While India’s efforts to mobilise resources, such as oxygen container, concentrators, ventilators, drugs and vaccines, from friendly countries that been largely overlooked.
On this, Jaishankar was clear that envoys should not to get overpowered by the “negative” media reports in biased media outlets but to take charge and project the government’s work.